Newest Releases, Interview, and NFT Gallery

The art adventures continue as I’ve begun to adapt my traditional images for the blockchain art space.  The latest releases on MakersPlace include animated and “tokenized” renditions of “Phra Nang Farang” and “Budgie-Sattva 2” announced on Twitter:

Patrons continue to show interest in this NFT (non fungible token) artwork, and as I create new traditional art, I expect to also continue to adapt that imagery for the crypto realm.

With the release of my art drop on MakersPlace, I had the pleasure also to do an “Ask Me Anything” interview with Aisha Arif.  That recording is included in this article announcement:

Heading into this release, for the first time I also announced it on Cody Seekins NFT Gallery, a virtual piece of real estate on the Ethereum blockchain, and my own personal exhibition and announcement venue in that space.  Feel free to visit anytime!


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